Sublime Beauty, Excitement, Intellectual Explorations

Sublime Beauty, Excitement, Intellectual Explorations

Cath Grant is able by virtue of her imagination and talent and skill, able to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.The area of fine art is constantly being extended to embrace new activities arising because of either new technology, or artistic invention. Cath’s art represents an outlet of expression, that is usually influenced by culture and which in turn helps to change culture. As such, the arts are a physical manifestation of the internal creative impulse.

Technical prowess is just the beginning and Cath has a vision, a concept, even a message and communicates this imaginatively through the atmosphere created in her artwork, that rare quality such as sublime beauty, excitement, or intellectual explorations.

Fine art, created for aesthetic rather than decorative or utilitarian purposes is an entity on its own. It can be understood, studied and interacted with, without explanation or interpretation. Indeed, most viewers of Cath’s art then become part of the creative process by bringing their life’s experiences and “culture “ to the work – and so the meaning and purpose of the work “take off” in different directions, adding richness to the lives of those who take the time to consider it.

My friend Cath Grant is a real talent, humanitarian and a beautiful person and her works should be seen, shared and appreciated all over the world.